2023 Young Worker Conference

New Leaders, New Legacy

June 8-10, 2023, Somerset Inn, Troy, MI

The Young Worker Conference invites all workers, union or non-union, and activists from allied organizations to share ideas and grow skills for responding to the challenges facing working persons. Conference is led by workers 35 years or younger, but is open to all ages. You need only be young in spirit!  We welcome participants from all genders and all cultural or ethnic backgrounds. 

For general use: Download Brochure in pdf

For social media posting: Download brochure front in jpg, back in jpg

Online Registration Form is at the bottom of this page

To see lots of postings from past conferences go to the Facebook Page by clicking here


1. Print and Social Media -- Learn how to use the tools of social media and print media to build, motivate, unite and inform your membership.

2. Steward and Committeeperson Training -- Are you thinking about becoming a steward or a committeeperson, but you don’t know where to start? This is an opportunity to learn the roles and responsibilities of the job and skills to interact with the membership effectively. You will leave with a good foundation and prepared to take advanced Steward and Committeeperson training.

3. Workers’ Rights, Workers Actions -- What does it take to organize a strong Union? This workshop will walk you through the applicable Labor Laws and walk you through the steps of organizing to build power in your organization and win greater worker protection. When you complete this workshop you will have a solid understanding of the effective strategies to prepare you for next steps.

4. Basic Unionism and Standing Committees -- This is a workshop that every member should start with. You will learn what unionism is and what and why we have standing committees. These two items are the foundation of the union.

5. I Want to Be a Leader, What next? -- If you took Leadership: What is a Leader? Am I a Leader? This is a continuation for those who have previously taken the workshop “Leadership: What is a Leader? Am I a Leader”. You will learn the next steps to get involved and use the knowledge gained in the first workshop. Get ready to show your leadership skills and lead your membership!

6. Parliamentary Procedure -- Parliamentary Procedure is the legal process used to run and participate in official Union, Government, and community meetings.  You will leave this workshop with the basic skills to effectively engage in and run such meetings.

7. Be the Change, Bridge the Difference -- We live in a world where people are judged by the color of their skin, where the come from, who they pray to (or don’t pray to), and even who you love. If you think it is time for a conversation on how we can bridge the differences support each other and gain power in the long run join this workshop. Be part of the change that is needed.

8. Contract Language and Negotiations -- Understanding contract language is key to labor-management negotiations. It could be the difference between compelling management that they “must” provide a benefit and that they “may” (or may not) have to provide it. This workshop is for beginners that are interested in understanding their contracts and contract negotiations. Participants will leave with the basics of contract language and negotiations.

9. Financial Goals 101 -- Have you ever wondered about being financially secure? This workshop prepares you to be just that. In this first workshop of a series, you will explore budgets, debt reduction, financial goals and more. You will come out of this workshop with a firm foundation to financial security.

10. From the Bread Box to the Ballot Box -- Did you know that many laws that are passes directly affect your household and your wallet? As the old saying goes, what the Union wins for your bread box can be taken away at the ballot box.  Just recently Michigan passed several laws that will impact you and your family financially. This workshop explains this in detail.

Registration Information

REGISTRATION: cost is $600 ($540 tuition, $60 mandatory meal fee)   

Register online at clcs.umd.umich.edu, email photo/scan of this form  to CLCS.info@umich.edu or fax 313-588-6430. Note, postal mail can take up to two weeks to reach us.  You do not need your payment or voucher first to register.  Please register and pay by May 31, 2023. If we receive the full $600 payment by that date, you are eligible for the Express Lane—a shorter wait at check in. The mandatory meal payment includes 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches; evening meals are on your own. Tuition Assistance Programs (TAPs) cover tuition costs, but not meals. If using TAP, apply for $540 tuition; you or your workplace pay the $60 meal payment before hand or at registration.


TIME AND DATES: Check-in is Thursday, June 8, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Welcome Session is 7:00pm to 9:00pm. A second check-in is 7:30am to 9:00am Friday. Conference runs 8:00am to 5:00pm Friday & Saturday, with graduation on Saturday.

EVENT LOCATION: The Somerset Inn, 2601 W Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48084.

HOTEL ROOMS :  Call (800) 228-8769 or (248) 643-7800 to reserve a room at the Somerset Inn at $114 per night (Queen bed) or $144 per night (King bed) plus taxes.  Rooms are held at this rate until May 25th.  Mention Young Worker Conference for these rates. Note hotel cancellation deadlines. You will be charged if you fail to cancel by the hotel’s deadline.

CANCELLATION/REFUND : The last date to cancel the event at no cost is May 31st. To be valid, cancellations must be called in to CLCS at 313-583-6400. Registrants who do not cancel by the deadline or No-Show owe full payment of $600.

LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE: Download the application here. Under File choose Download to download a word doc which you can print out or edit.