Affiliated University of Michigan Faculty

Faculty Associates


Howard Brick -- Professor; Louis Evans Chair in U.S. History in Ann Arbor.  Publishes and teaches extensively on U.S. social movements including the union movement.


Kate Andrias – Professor of Law in Ann Arbor.  Publishes and teaches on labor law.


Leila Kawar -- Associate Professor of American Culture and in the Residential College at the University of Michigan.


Bruce Pietrykowski — Professor of Economics in Dearborn.  His current research is on low-wage workers and documents the skills used by care-oriented workers.


Jason Kosnoski — Associate Professor of Political Science in Flint.  He teaches a 300-level course on Politics and U.S. Labor.

Kristin S. Seefeldt -- Associate Professor of Social Work, School of Social Work and Associate Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy.