2023 Michigan School for Women Workers

Women in Leadership Empowering Us All!

April 27-29, Somerset Inn, Troy, Michigan

The Michigan School for Women Workers invites all union and non-union workers and activists from allied organizations to share ideas and grow skills for responding to the challenges facing working people. We welcome participants from all genders and all cultural or ethnic backgrounds.

For general use: Download Brochure in pdf

For social media posting: Download brochure front in jpg, back in jpg

For posting on walls, bulletin boards, etc: Download in jpg, or pdf

Conference Agenda  will be posted before the conference

Flyer for Thursday Night networking event.

Flyer for Friday 70's Soul Bowling Ball


1. Union Representative Training: Do you know what it takes to be an effective union representative? If you are a new representative or thinking about becoming one, this workshop is for you. Participants will learn what it takes to build solidarity by being a strong union advocate.

2. Financial Goal Setting: We all want to live a comfortable life, how are your finances? Are you where you want to be financially? In this interactive training, Union friendly financial experts will give you the information and tools to help you get on the right path to attain your financial goals.

3. Problem Solving in the Job Site: We all have had issues on the job. This workshop will explore the process of problem-solving using dispute resolution skills and your collective bargaining agreement.

4. Union Administration: Union administration can be confusing, and it is more than the President and grievance handlers. This workshop will educate you on all the various roles and organizational structures relied on in running an effective Union, as well as ways rank and file members can get involved.

5. Communication for the Masses: Learn how to get your message out with clarity and impact. This workshop will show you how to use social media, print, video, etc. to share information with a wide variety of people and organizations. You will gain knowledge on techniques such as how to take compelling pictures, conduct engaging interviews, and more.

6. Family Leave Act (FMLA)/Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): Know your rights under the federal FMLA and the FLSA which requires accommodation for nursing mothers at work.  Gain knowledge on how these laws interact with your collective bargaining agreements. Learn ways to spread the word to other employees who may not know that there are laws dictating employee rights when it comes to medical leave, wages, overtime, and protections for pregnant women and new mothers.

7. Women’s Rights/History: Women have always been in the fight for Labor and social justice. You must know your rights and history to continue to move forward and be a part of positive change. This workshop will take a close look at lessons learned from the past that can guide us in our ongoing fight to achieve equity and fairness for all.

8. Collective Bargaining/Contract Language: Knowledge is power! This workshop gives you the tools to understand and utilize your contract.

9. Workers Right’s, Workers Actions: We all know there is power in numbers. Learn ways to effectively organize to build worker solidarity and more powerful Local unions.  The past few years COVID has opened many workers’ eyes to the need to organize and actively fight for workers’ rights. Learn what you can do to become active in organizing in your workplace and your community.

10. Leadership Development: Empowering you with skills needed for greater opportunities within your union. Leaders are not born, they are made. There is a process in development and this workshop will help you get started on your path to leadership in your union and community. Learn from accomplished leaders what it takes to step forward and successfully lead. 

Registration Information

Link to Online Registration Page

COST is $600 ($540 tuition, $60 mandatory meal fee). Please register and pay by April 20th, 2023. If we receive the full $600 payment by that date, you are eligible for the Express Lane—a shorter wait in line to check in. Mandatory meal payment covers 2 lunches and 2 breakfasts. Tuition assistance programs (TAP) cover tuition, but not meals. If using TAP, apply for $540 tuition. You or your workplace must include the $60 meal payment with your registration.

TIMES AND DATES First check-in is Thursday, April 27 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. A welcome program that evening runs from 7 - 9 pm. There is a second check-in period from 7:30-9:00 am Friday, April 28th. Friday and Saturday programs begin at 9am and run until 5:00 pm.

PLACE The Somerset Inn, 2601 W Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48084.

HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Call (800) 228-8769 or (248) 643-7800 to reserve a room at the Somerset Inn at $119 per night (Queen bed) or $144 per night (King bed) plus taxes.  Rooms are held at this rate until Thursday April 20th, 2023.  Mention MSWW for these rates. Note hotel cancellation deadlines. You will be charged if you fail to cancel by the hotel’s deadline.


CANCELLATION/REFUND The last date to withdraw at no cost is Thursday, April 20th. To be valid, cancellations must be emailed to CLCS.info@umd.umich.edu Registrants who do not cancel by the deadline or fail to attend owe full payment of $600.00.

A LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE. Download the application here. Under File choose Download to download a word doc which you can print out or edit.