2019 Fall Leadership Institute
2019 Fall Leadership Institute
November 14-16, UM-D Fairlane Center North Building, 19000 Hubbard Drive, Dearborn, MI, 48126
The Fall Leadership Institute is open to all workers, union or non-union members, and leaders from a variety of organizations to learn together about new ideas, strategies and skills to meet the needs and challenges facing workers in our ever-changing workplaces. We welcome participants from all genders and all cultural or ethnic backgrounds.
Download the registration form here
Download agenda here
1. STEWARD & COMMITTEE PERSONS’ TRAINING A workshop designed for front-line representatives and activists. Basic skills, such as writing grievances, holding hearings, and winning justice for our members.
2. LOCAL UNION ADMINISTRATION How to lead a local union, including elections, finances, committees, meetings and rules of the road. For local union Executive Board members or prospects.
3. LABOR UNION HISTORY A look back to the roots and development of labor unions in America, how we got here and a look ahead to where we may be going. Participants should come knowing their own labor history.
4. ADVANCED GRIEVANCE HANDLING: The course covers the process from grievance filing to arbitration. This advanced instruction is NOT for first-timers. A certificate in Grievance Handling (or equivalent) is required to enroll in this workshop.
5. STRIKE PREP AND EXECUTION Learn about strikes as a tool for growing worker power and achieving a fair contract. This workshop will cover history, law, strategy and tactics.
5. STANDING COMMITTEE TRAINING All unions have standing committees. Are yours just standing there? Come and discuss how to activate a moribund committee to achieve positive change for members.
6. ADVANCED MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS Union leaders have to stay in contact with their members. Come learn the latest in techniques to grab your members’ attention. NOT FOR BEGINNERS.
Mail completed form with payment to the Center using the directions on the form. You can also use the online registration form here. CONFIRMATIONS ARE SENT BY EMAIL! BE SURE WE HAVE A CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS LISTED FOR YOU!
COST is $600 ($540 tuition, $60 mandatory meal fee). Please register and pay by OCTOBER 31, 2019. Meal payment covers breakfast and lunch for Friday and Saturday; evening meals are on your own. Tuition Assistance (TAP) programs cover the tuition portion, but not meals. If using TAP, apply for $540 tuition. You or your workplace must include the $60 meal payment with your registration.
TIMES AND DATES: Check-in is Thursday, November 14, 5:00 to 6:30pm at Fairlane Center North in the lobby area. A welcome program starts at 7:00pm and runs until 9:00pm. There is a 2nd check-in period from 8:00 to 9:00 am Friday, November 15. Workshops begin on Friday morning and run until 5:00pm, and resume Saturday morning,November 16 and run until 5:00pm.
PLACE: The conference will be held at the UM-D’s Fairlane Center, North Building, at 19000 Hubbard Road, Dearborn, MI 48126. Parking is free in the North Lot at the far end of the Fairlane Buildings (pass South Bldg on your way up the drive, North is 2nd bldg.).
HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: For lodging, you have two options. The Westin Southfield at $112 per night plus tax (248) 827-4000 or the Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Dearborn at $106 per night plus tax (313) 271-1400. Register before October 24, 2019 for these rates.
CANCELLATION/REFUND: The last date to withdraw at no cost/for refund is Thursday, November 7, 2019. To be valid, cancellations must be emailed to LaborStudiesReg@umich.edu. Registrants who do not cancel by the deadline or fail to attend owe full payment of $600.00.
Limited number of partial scholarships available; Download the application here or call us.
Scan/EMAIL: LaborStudiesReg@umich.edu CLCS Phone: 313-583-6400 CLCS WEB: clcs.umd.umich.edu FAX: 313-583-6430