JUNE 11-13, 2015     (PAST EVENT)


Registration fee: $410 (Tuition: $350, Meals: $60)


01  Unionism 101: Building Solidarity in Your Workplace

Ever feel like your coworker seem apathetic to the union? Worried of people opting out? Getting people excited and engaged with the union is possible. We will look at practical ways to reach out to members and grow your collective power.

02  Sisterhood and Effective Leadership

Reveal your unique leadership ability. Whether you are chairing a committee meeting or leading a march, preparation and planning are key elements of success. Learn how to get your message across and overcome the stumbling blocks of stepping up. If not you, who? If not now, when?

03  Speak Up, Speak Out, Be Safe

Did you know that you must be properly trained before you are, assigned a new job, the work area has been retooled or a task has been added to your job? You have the right to work in a safe work environment. Learn what your rights are as well as what management rights are in the workplace. Practice speaking up and standing up for a safer workplace.

04   Bullying and Domestic Violence

Can bullying lead to domestic violence? What to do when abuse at home comes to work. This workshop is run to create a welcoming and supportive environment for participants.

05  Communicating Through Print and Social Media

Yes, you can use print and social media to communicate effectively and build membership unity. Workshop participants will create an actual conference newsletter that will go to everyone at the conference and put material on the Facebook and other social media.

06  Today’s Labor Movement: Challenges and Opportunities

How do we overcome the challenges faced by organized labor today? What are the opportunities to build a stronger labor movement? Participants will leave this workshop with an action plan that they can take back to their union.

Full Brochure

Tentative Agenda