2009 Winter Leadership Institute
January 23 & 24, 2009 (PAST EVENT)
UM-Dearborn Fairlane Training Bldg North / Dearborn, Michigan
Registration fee: $400 (Tuition: $360, Meals: $40)
01 Basic Stewards' & Committeepersons' Training
Bob Bowen, UAW Local 849 (Retired)
If you are a first-term steward or committeeperson, or if you are considering running for a grievance handling position, this is the workshop for you. Topics include investigating grievances, writing good fact sheets, and dealing with members and management.
02 Parliamentary Procedure
Skip Turner, University of Michigan Labor Studies Center, IRLEE
Unions, corporations, and civic groups all use parliamentary procedure to facilitate the business at hand. Learn all the aspects of how to run a business meeting using
03 Collective Bargaining
Roland Zullo, University of Michigan Labor Studies Center, IRLEE
Explore the negotiation process and how to build your package for negotiation, create a win-win situation, and conduct yourself as a negotiator. Learn internal and external factors that contribute to the negotiating climate.
04 Organizing
Shannon Kirkland, CWA International
Greg Pratt, Michigan Federation of Teachers
Learn how to mobilize your current membership into a cooperative, cohesive and active unit. Share examples of tactics that have worked at your local. Help spread the word on the importance of organizing.
05 Health & Safety
Sherrod Elledge, UAW International
This class will cover the strategic use of safety rights to empower workers to build and organize the union. For beginners and veterans, this worker-based approach to safety has the power to educate and mobilize the labor movement.
06 Union Executive Officer Training
Harvey Hawkins Jr., UAW Local 1248
Acquire an in-depth working knowledge of the administration of a local union from experienced union leaders. Learn Do
07 Data Empowerment: A Union Activist's Guide to Using Data
Bruce Pietrykowski, U of M-Dearborn
Learn to find, prepare, and present data. Anyone who may have a need for supporting data will learn techniques to collect, download, and measure data to strengthen your position. This interactive workshop is designed for union leadership but easily understandable for the rank and file.