We invite all union and non-union workers and activists from allied organizations to share ideas and grow skills for responding to the challenges facing working people. We welcome participants from all genders and all cultural or ethnic backgrounds to all our events.
CLCS offers six yearly conferences, most of which run from a Thursday through Saturday. Our conferences offer a variety of weekend-long workshops, keynote speakers, and opportunities for networking. Anyone and everyone is welcome to all our conferences. Our conferences are eligible for TAP.
Symposiums are free, two-hour courses offered throughout the year on a wide variety of topics, including things beyond the realm of workers rights. They are offered via Zoom and they are also recorded and archived so you can learn even if you miss the event.
Short courses meet once a week for six weeks, with each class 2-3 hours depending on your course. These courses are a great way to get in-depth knowledge on a specific topic. They're usually taught in-person or hybrid with a limited number of slots, so make sure to register. Short courses are eligible for TAP.
CLCS is happy to provide in-office trainings on many topics. To schedule a training, please email clcs.info@umich.edu.
2025 Michigan School for Women Workers
"I'm Every Woman-We Can and We Do!"
WHEN: April 24-27, 2025
WHERE: Somerset Inn (2601 W Big Beaver Rd, Troy, MI)
We Run 6 Conferences Every Year: We invite all union and non-union workers and activists from allied organizations to share ideas and grow skills for responding to the challenges facing working people. We welcome participants from all genders and all cultural or ethnic backgrounds.
Upcoming Meetings
Young Workers Conference Planning
Saturday, March 15th, 2025
10 AM- Noon, Fairlane Center North Room 120/121.
Fairlane Center North. Out of town Zoom Link: https://umich.zoom.us/j/94655879080
The Young Workers Confernce invites all union and non-union workers and activists from allied organizations to share ideas and grow skills for responding to the challenges facing working people. We welcome participants from all genders and all cultural or ethnic backgrounds.Now What? A look at the current status of Labor and Employment Law -- Organizer Network
Saturday March 29th 10am-11:30am
Location: Virtual-ZOOM
Join The Organizers Network to discuss the current legal situation facing labor with Anthony Kaled, General Counsel for SEIU Healthcare. Click the link below for more information.
Coming Soon in 2025!
Michigan Labor Law Series
Saturday 10:00 am – 12:00 Noon on Zoom
Explore the changes to and current status of our state's labor laws.
Michigan Labor Law - March 8th
Michigan Labor & Wage Laws Affecting the Building Trade - March 22nd
Michigan's New Paid Leave & Minimum Wage Law - Saturday, April 5th